Saturday, September 26, 2009

Red Rocks of Arizona

Red Rocks of Arizona

[1] Red Rock State Parks of Arizona features hundreds of such natural red rock formation. These areas have been the background of commercials and Hollywood movies for long time.

Arizona Pictures

[2] Mountain Dwellings

Ancient American Indians in Arizona made their houses in mountains like this. Outside temperature could be one hundred and twenty degrees F. When nearby springs dried up, the waters could be found some eight miles away. Climbing and coming down everyday (no elevators). Preferred for refrigeration and preservation effect, coolness, great views attracted them to live here for a few hundred years. One day in history they all disappeared from here.

Arizona Pictures

[3] A cut away model of above mountain dwellings. The American Indians weaved, made potteries, arts, stored and developed many skills.

Arizona Pictures

[4] Castle living.

Arizona Pictures

[5] Red Rock formation

Arizona Pictures

[6] The natural formation like this and other inspires artist from all over to make their own sculptures, painting
and art objects.

Arizona Pictures

[7] Two color combinations of formation

Arizona Pictures

[8] A day of watching American popular passtime Baseball, in Dodgers Stadium. Los Angeles Dodgers Versus Arizona
To watch a game like this and associated food, drinks, noisemakers and other costs can easily add up more than hundred dollar per person
for a roughly four hours of game. If Hometown team is loosing the watchers leave early.

Arizona Pictures

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