Monday, August 24, 2009

How to Make a Form From a Word Document

How to Make a Form From a Word Document

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You’ve probably filled out forms that were Microsoft Office Word documents. It’s fairly easy and very convenient to do. The formatting looks nice, and the printed Word document can look professional. However, how exactly do you go about making a form from a Microsoft Office Word document? Once you find out what settings need to be in place and where to look, creating a form from a Word document becomes easy. Read below to find out how to make a Microsoft Office Word document form. It is important to note, however, that these instructions are for Microsoft Word 2007.

Difficulty: Easy


Things You'll Need:

·       Computer

·       Microsoft Word 2007

1.      Step 1

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    Open a new Word document and click on the “Office Button” located in the upper, left-hand corner of the Word document window, and then click on “Word Options.”

2.      Step 2

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    Make sure that the “Show Developer tab in the Ribbon” button is checked. This inserts a new “Developer” tab at the top of the window alongside “Home”, “Insert”, etc.

3.      Step 3

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    Notice the 5 boxes under the “Developer” tab. These boxes include “Code”, “Controls”, “XML”, “Protect”, and “Template”.

4.      Step 4

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    Click on the “Legacy Tools” button in the “Controls” box. The buttons that appear in the dropdown list will be the tools you use to insert Microsoft Office Word form elements.

5.      Step 5

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    Create a text field by clicking the “Legacy Tools” button followed by the “Text Form Field” button. This inserts a text form field into your document. To format the text form field, right-click on the newly inserted text form field and then select “Properties”. You will be able to designate what type of information will be entered into the Microsoft Word text field as well as entry character length.

6.      Step 6

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    Create a check box by clicking the “Legacy Tools” button followed by the “Check Box Form Field” button. This inserts a check box into your Microsoft Word document. As with the text field, you need to right-click the check box and select “Properties” in order to format the check box. For example, you can choose how big you want the check box to be as well as what the default value should be (either checked or not checked).

7.      Step 7

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    Create a dropdown list by clicking on the “Legacy Tools” followed by the “Drop-Down Form Field” button. This will insert an unformatted, generic dropdown list form field. To properly format this Microsoft Word document feature, you need to right-click on the generic dropdown box, and then select “Properties”. Add any dropdown choices and be sure to name you dropdown list.

8.      Step 8

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    Select the “Protect Document” button in the “Protect” box under the “Developer” tab. Then select “Restrict Formatting and Editing” and then check the “Allow only this type of editing in the document” box.

9.      Step 9

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    Click the “Yes, Start Enforcing Protection” button, which appears underneath the box you just checked. If you wish, you can password protect your Microsoft Office Word form to restrict any unwanted editing.

10.     Step 10

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    Pat yourself on the back because you just created a Microsoft Office Word document form!

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