Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to Keep iPod Earphones from Tangling

How to Keep iPod Earphones from Tangling

Tangled Wire

Nowadays, who does not own an iPod Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)? …And who does not deal with tangled earphone wire? For most of us iPod owners, entangling earphone or headphone wires have always been a pain whenever you take your iPod out of your bag or pocket. It’s really difficult to keep it organized. I have put together some suggestions below that might work for you in keeping your iPod earphones tangle-free.

Difficulty: Easy


Things You'll Need:

·       iPod

·       Plastic Capsule

·       Coin Dose Dispenser

·       Air Tight Plastic Container

·       Credit Card and Scissor

·       Jam Jacket, Earbud Yo-Yo, Budtrap

1.      Step 1

      Logitech Bluetooth Headphone

      WIRELESS FREEDOM. I am a big fan of wireless technology Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) so I have to include this in my article. If you really want complete freedom, then go get yourself one of those wireless headphones. Logitech has one of the best bluetooth behind-the-neck headphones for iPod which provide excellent sound quality. It comes with a device that you plug into the headphone jack of your iPod integrating the controls to the headphone itself. I would say this is a cool iPod accessory but comes with a price.

2.      Step 2

      Proper knots will temporarily keep it organized.

      ART OF TYING KNOTS. I guess everybody can relate to this step. For most of us, we simply create a knot on the headphone hoping it will stay that way until our next use. But that is not always the case, so you need to learn the art of tying knots to keep it neatly wrapped.
      You can wrap the wires in a shape of “8” using your two fingers. Then tie the jack end around the middle and insert in one of the loops.
      You can also wrap it around your iPod as shown in my snapshot. But keep in mind that both of these methods put strains on your earphone wire which leads to deterioration in the long run.

3.      Step 3

      Air Tight Plastic

      AIR TIGHT PLASTIC. You can use one of those small air tight resealable plastic containers to keep your headphones tangle-free while inside your drawer, bag, or pocket. It will protect the earphones from liquid spills but it is not sturdy enough to protect it from damage when you put it in your back pocket and sit on it. Plastic container will also not last longer so you will have to replace it from time to time.

4.      Step 4

      Plastic Capsule Toy

      PLASTIC CAPSULE TOY. Do you know one of those small egg-shaped plastic capsules with small toys inside that you usually get from a vending machine for your kids? Well go get yourself one of those and give away the toy. Simply create a small wrap of your headphone wire and put it inside the capsule. Now no matter what you do, it will never tangle inside the capsule. The only thing is that when you put it in your pocket, it looks like you have a little egg in there. But hey it works like charm.

5.      Step 5

      Coin Dose Pill Dispenser

      PILL DISPENSER. If you can get one of those coin dose dispenser, then you can use it to contain your headphones. Not only is it made of sturdy plastic, it is also sleek and can put in your pocket without worry of smashing it if you happen to sit on it on your back pocket. You may have to remove the small divider in the middle which you can easily do with scissor or cutter.

6.      Step 6

      Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

      Using Credit card

      IMPROVISE ON AN OLD CREDIT CARD. If you have an expired credit card or those that you receive from credit card companies when they have promos, you can put them to good use. Get a scissor and cut the card lengthwise in the middle. Round the sharp corners to avoid scratches. Cut two notches on opposite ends so you can put the earphone on one, and the jack on the other. Simply wrap the earphone wire in the middle of the card and insert earphone on one of the notches and the jack on the other notch.

7.      Step 7


      GADGETS. There are gadgets out there that can help you with your problem. You can buy one of those Jam Jacket which is a rubber casing at the same time provides cord management. Another gadget you can buy is the Earbud Yo-Yo by which you wind your headphones up just like a yo-yo. Budtrap are also nice accessory to keep your headphone wire tangle-free, and it comes in different colors.

      I hope that this article help you keep your iPod earphone from tangling. Enjoy!

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