Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How to Invest Money to Make Money

How to Invest Money to Make Money

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You can get money from investing.

They say that in order to make money, you must first have money. That is true. You will always need to have some sort of seed money to start investing. Once you do get that money, then you can really make money.

Difficulty: Easy


Things You'll Need:

·       Money

1.      Step 1

    Earn the money first. Try to avoid getting a loan unless you know that you will be able to make money off of it. Get a regular job or some form of income and build up the money you need for investing.

2.      Step 2

    Plan out your investments. Investing means using money to gain money. The most popular type of investing is stocks but that is not the only way. If you know about art, you can buy a painting, wait a few years, and sell it for more if you believe it will sell for more. If you know about eBay, you can use it make money by buying stuff and selling it online. Investing in your future could mean buying classes and using them to find a better job. There are so many ways to invest.

3.      Step 3

    Figure out how much time you would like to spend on your investments. Some investments take years to make money like savings bonds. Other investments might take only days like with stocks. If you are young and have plenty of time, use your time to make lots of money.

4.      Step 4

    Find a mentor to help you with your investments. Do you know someone who had made lots of money doing something? Or maybe you can look to people like Suze Orman or Clark Howard for advice. If you want to, you can even ask your family like your parents for investment advice.

5.      Step 5

    Start investing. Start out small, get your feet wet so to speak. After a while, keep on investing. Try to diversify your investments so that in case one investment fails, the other investments can take the brunt of the loss. Invest for both the short term and the long term.

6.      Step 6

    Keep track of your investments. See which kind of investing works best with you. It will also help keep motivating you to invest since you are doing so well.

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