Monday, August 24, 2009

How to add a SATA Hard Disk Drive into your computer

How to add a SATA Hard Disk Drive into your computer

You will learn how to add a SATA Hard Disk Drive (HDD) into your computer.

Difficulty: Easy


Things You'll Need:

·       SATA HDD

·       SATA HDD cables

·       Operating system CD

1.      Step 1

    UNPLUG YOUR COMPUTER!!!!! You do not need to get electrocuted.

2.      Step 2

    After you computer is unplugged, it is recommended that you wear an electrostatic discharge wrist band. This you can buy in a store for about $10.00.

3.      Step 3

    Open the case on your computer, so you can have access to the inside.

4.      Step 4

    Is there an electrical hookup available for SATA HDDs. If not, you can buy a converter for between $5.00 and $15.00 from any computer store. Also is there already a HDD in your computer. If so, is there room to add another one. If not, then you will either replace the current one, or buy a computer that will allow 2 HDDs to fit inside.

5.      Step 5

    If there is already a HDD inside, and there is room for more, then put the second one in.

6.      Step 6

    All new SATA HDDs come with the required red SATA data cable. Follow the instructions in the owners manual to hook up the HDD.

7.      Step 7

    If this is a replacement HDD, follow steps 1-6. When you plug your computer back in, turn it on. It is normal for the computer to make a few beeps. Open the CD Tray as soon as the computer turns on, then put the Operating System (OS) disk in, and close the tray. Push the power button to shut off your computer. Wait 10 seconds, then turn it back on.

8.      Step 8

    When the computer turns back on, it will ask you if you want to load from disk. Do what it tells you to do to load from the CD.

9.      Step 9

    Follow all the steps on the CD to load the OS. I can not tell you what those steps are, as all Operating Systems are different.

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