Monday, August 24, 2009

Basic Powerpoint Computer Skills

Basic Powerpoint Computer Skills

Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

PowerPoint is a presentation software program. Armed with very basic PowerPoint skills, presenters can create savvy, professional, and persuasive digital presentations in one to three hours.
PowerPoint presentations are digital slide shows. Basic PowerPoint computer skills give you the ability to combine image, audio and video files in a digital presentation.
Creating a professional PowerPoint Presentation starts with opening the software program and selecting "Blank Presentation" or "New Presentation."

    Getting Organized

1.      Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Select options from the menu bar

    The image, text, audio and video files should all be edited and ready to be inserted into the PowerPoint Presentation. Images should be resized in advance along with any captions on image files. Images to be used for PowerPoint presentations should not be larger than 5 inches by 7 inches. Larger images will require resizing to fit on a slide.
    You may select a transition option to advance each slide by scrolling to "Slide Show" and down to "Side Transition." Slide-show transition effects advance each slide by advancing the slides up, down, left or right, to name a few options.

    Setting The Stage

2.      Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Record Sounds

    Name and save files you create by clicking on "File" and then on "Save." Name the presentation when the "Save As" dialog box pops-up and click on "OK."
    You need a microphone to record narration for slides. A microphone device can be plugged into the computer while using the Sound Recorder feature in Windows. Go to the "Start Menu" and select "All Programs" to access the Sound Recorder feature.

    Getting Started

3.      Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Insert new slides and files from the menu bar.

    Insert a new blank slide into the presentation by going to "Insert" and down to "New Slide." Browse for the file you want to insert onto the new slide. Audio files, video files and image files like charts and graphs can be inserted onto slides.

    Slide-Show Timing

4.      To select the length of time between each slide, go up to "Slide Show" and down to "Rehearse Timing" to open the presentation and select the timing.
Slide-show timing can be determined for slides individually. You can create a slide show, view and continue to edit the slide show after an initial review.

    Putting it All Together

5.      Planning and preparation is key to creating a successful PowerPoint Presentation. Viewing a professionally prepared PowerPoint Presentation is great preparation for creating one.

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