Saturday, October 24, 2009

String Entering Example of C++

String Entering Example of C++

This example shows how to perform data entry on strings. The strings are simple array of characters and they are declared as member variables of a class. The class provides accessory methods for each member variable.

Header File: Person.h

//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#ifndef PersonH#define PersonH//---------------------------------------------------------------------------class TPerson{private: char* FirstName; char* LastName; char* Address; char* City; char* State; long ZIPCode;public: void setFirstName(const char *FN); char* getFirstName() const { return FirstName; } void setLastName(const char *LN); char* getLastName() const { return LastName; } char* FullName() const; void setAddress(const char *Adr); char* getAddress() const { return Address; } void setCity(const char *CT); char* getCity() const { return City; } void setState(const char *St); char* getState() const { return State; } void setZIPCode(const long ZIP); long getZIPCode() const { return ZIPCode; } TPerson(); TPerson(char *FName, char *LName, char *Adr, char *Ct, char *St, long ZIP); TPerson(const TPerson &Pers); TPerson(char * FName, char * LName); virtual ~TPerson();};//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#endif

Source File: Person.cpp

//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#include using namespace std;#pragma hdrstop#include "Person.h"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#pragma package(smart_init)//---------------------------------------------------------------------------char *__fastcall TPerson::FullName() const{ char *FName = new char[40]; strcpy(FName, FirstName); strcat(FName, " "); strcat(FName, LastName); return FName;}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------__fastcall TPerson::TPerson() : ZIPCode(0){ //TODO: Add your source code here FirstName = new char[20]; strcpy(FirstName, "John"); LastName = new char[20]; strcpy(LastName, "Doe"); Address = new char[40]; strcpy(Address, "123 Main Street Apt A"); City = new char[32]; strcpy(City, "Great City"); State = new char[30]; strcpy(State, "Our State");}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------__fastcall TPerson::TPerson(char * FName, char * LName) : ZIPCode(0){ //TODO: Add your source code here FirstName = new char[strlen(FName) + 1]; strcpy(FirstName, FName); LastName = new char[strlen(LName) + 1]; strcpy(LastName, LName); Address = new char[40]; strcpy(Address, "123 Main Street Apt A"); City = new char[32]; strcpy(City, "Great City"); State = new char[30]; strcpy(State, "Our State");} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------__fastcall TPerson::TPerson(char *FName, char *LName, char *Adr, char *Ct, char *St, long ZIP) : ZIPCode(ZIP){ //TODO: Add your source code here FirstName = new char[strlen(FName) + 1]; strcpy(FirstName, FName); LastName = new char[strlen(LName) + 1]; strcpy(LastName, LName); Address = new char[40]; strcpy(Address, Adr); City = new char[32]; strcpy(City, Ct); State = new char[30]; strcpy(State, St);}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------__fastcall TPerson::TPerson(const TPerson &Pers) : ZIPCode(Pers.ZIPCode){ //TODO: Add your source code here FirstName = new char[strlen(Pers.FirstName) + 1]; strcpy(FirstName, Pers.FirstName); LastName = new char[strlen(Pers.LastName) + 1]; strcpy(LastName, Pers.LastName); Address = new char[strlen(Pers.Address) + 1]; strcpy(Address, Pers.Address); City = new char[strlen(Pers.City) + 1]; strcpy(City, Pers.City); State = new char[strlen(Pers.State) + 1]; strcpy(State, Pers.State);}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TPerson::setFirstName(const char *FN){ strcpy(FirstName, FN);}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TPerson::setLastName(const char *LN){ strcpy(LastName, LN);}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TPerson::setAddress(const char *Adr){ strcpy(Address, Adr);}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TPerson::setCity(const char *CT){ strcpy(City, CT);}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TPerson::setState(const char *St){ strcpy(State, St);}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TPerson::setZIPCode(const long ZIP){ ZIPCode = ZIP;}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------__fastcall TPerson::~TPerson(){ //TODO: Add your source code here delete [] FirstName; delete [] LastName; delete [] Address; delete [] City; delete [] State;}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Main File: Main.cpp

//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#include using namespace std;#pragma hdrstop#include "Person.h"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#pragma argsusedTPerson ProcessRegistration();void DisplayInformation(const TPerson&);//---------------------------------------------------------------------------int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ TPerson Employee = ProcessRegistration(); DisplayInformation(Employee); return 0;}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------TPerson ProcessRegistration(){ char FName[12], LName[12]; char Addr[40], CT[32], St[30]; long ZC; cout << "Enter personal information\n"; cout << "First Name: "; cin >> FName; cout << "Last Name: "; cin >> LName; cout << "Address: "; cin >> ws; cin.getline(Addr, 40); cout << "City: "; cin.getline(CT, 32); cout << "State: "; cin.getline(St, 30); cout << "Zip Code: "; cin >> ZC; TPerson Pers(FName, LName, Addr, CT, St, ZC); return Pers;}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------void DisplayInformation(const TPerson& Pers){ cout << "\nEmployee Identification"; cout << "\nFull Name: " << Pers.FullName(); cout << "\nAddress: " << Pers.getAddress(); cout << "\nCity: " << Pers.getCity() << ", " << Pers.getState() << " " << Pers.getZIPCode();}//


Here is an example of running the program:

Enter personal informationFirst Name: JeremyLast Name: NguyenAddress: 1466 16th Street #BCity: WashingtonState: DCZip Code: 20004Employee IdentificationFull Name: Jeremy NguyenAddress: 1466 16th Street #BCity: Washington, DC 20004

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