Friday, October 30, 2009

C++ Header Files

C++ Header Files

This page lists the various header files that are available in standard C++, grouped by topic.

STL Containers

Provides the specialized container class std::bitset, a bit array.
Provides the container class template std::deque, a double-ended queue.
Provides the container class template std::list, a doubly-linked list.
Provides the container class templates std::map and std::multimap, an associative array and multimap.
Provides the container adapter class std::queue, a single-ended queue.
Provides the container class templates std::set and std::multiset, sorted associative containers or sets.
Provides the container adapter class std::stack, a stack.
Provides the container class template std::vector, a dynamic array.

General STL

Provides definitions of many container algorithms.
Provides several function objects, designed for use with the standard algorithms.
Provides classes and templates for working with iterators.
Provides classes and templates for working with locales.
Provides facilities for memory management in C++, including the class template std::auto_ptr.
Contains standard exception classes such as std::logic_error and std::runtime_error, both derived from std::exception.
Provides the template class std::pair, for working with pairs (two-member tuples) of objects.

C++ Strings

Provides the C++ standard string classes and templates.

C++ Streams and Input/Output

Provides facilities for file-based input and output.
Provides several types and functions basic to the operation of iostreams.
Provides C++ input and output fundamentals.
Provides forward declarations of several I/O-related class templates.
Provides facilities to manipulate output formatting, such as the base used when formatting integers and the precision of floating point values.
Provides the template class std::istream and other supporting classes for input.
Provides the template class std::ostream and other supporting classes for output.
Provides the template class std::sstream and other supporting classes for string manipulation.


Provides class template std::complex and associated functions for working with complex numbers.
Provides algorithms for numerical processing.
Provides the template class std::valarray, an array class optimized for numeric processing.

Language Support

Provides several types and functions related to exception handling, including std::exception, the base class of all exceptions thrown by the Standard Library.
Provides the template class std::numeric_limits, used for describing properties of fundamental numeric types.
Provides operators new and delete and other functions and types composing the fundamentals of C++ memory management.
Provides facilities for working with C++ run-time type information.

C Standard Library

Each header from the C standard library is included in the C++ standard library under a different name, generated by removing the .h, and adding a 'c' at the start, for example time.h becomes ctime. The only difference between these headers and the traditional C standard library headers is that where possible the functions should be placed into the std:: namespace (although few compilers actually do this). In ISO C, functions in standard library are allowed to be implemented by macros, which is not allowed by ISO C++.

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