Saturday, March 28, 2009

DOEACC cource details



DOEACC Society is implementing a joint scheme of All India Council for Technical Education and Department of Information Technology (formerly Department of Electronics (DOE)), Government of India. The objective of the Scheme is to develop quality manpower in IT by utilizing the expertise available with the computer training institutes who are granted accreditation for conducting specified Levels of courses, subject to their meeting well-defined norms and criteria.

1. An IT Literacy course namely, Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) is offered by the Society all over the country
2. The other level of courses are:

O Level Equivalent to Foundation level course
A Level Equivalent to Advanced Diploma in Computer Applications
B Level Equivalent MCA Level
C Level M. Tech Level

Apart from Authorized Institutes conducting accredited courses in the private/public sector, the DOEACC Society has its own 10 Centres all over India at Aurangabad, Aizawl, Calicut, Chandigarh, Gorakhpur, Tezpur/Guwahati, Imphal, Kolkata, Jammu/Srinagar & Kohima.The above Centres are engaged in offering Long Term Courses and Short Term Courses in the area of IECT.

3. Bio-Informatics Courses are being launched at two levels designated as BI-O and BI-A levels. The courses have been designed to give impetus to students to be a member of a core team involved in the bio-informatics programming task. The students after qualifying these levels would be able to find the opportunities in the area of Bio-informatics in Drugs, Pharmaceuticals, Bio-fertilizers, Agriculture and energy sectors.

4. DOEACC Society has launched ITES (Call Centre) Agents Training courses for the benefit of the students of North East with the financial support from the Department of Development of North Eastern Region (DONER).

Merger of Societies

DIT realized the need to refocus and merge some of the like-minded Societies. The primary objective being to help them develop a common vision, realign their activities so as to complement each other and bring together all the capabilities under one umbrella.
As per the decision of Govt. of India vide its Office Memorandum (OM) dated 29.11.2002 and subsequent OM dated 08.01.2003 erstwhile CEDTI (Centre for Electronics Design & Technology of India) Centres (except Mohali Centre) and Regional Computer Centres(RCCs) Kolkata and Chandigarh have been merged with DOEACC Society w.e.f. 14.12.2002. Accordingly, the erstwhile CEDTI Centres (except Mohali Centre) and RCCs have been renamed as DOEACC Centres.
This has helped to harmonize the activities being pursued by these individual Societies and unleash their combined potential. The integration will further help in securing organizational synergy, optimum utilization of resources and societal relevance in the context of need for economic value addition and social dynamics.

1. What is Registration?
A system of registration of candidates has been evolved to monitor the growth of a student through the various levels of courses under the DOEACC Scheme and to enable the Society to infer the likely number of candidates appearing in a particular examination in advance to ensure proper planning for the forthcoming examinations. Under the system of Registration, each candidate gets a unique identification number.
a) Registration Forms - Free of cost.
Registration is only for candidates and not for institutes. Registration forms are available from the DOEACC Society free of cost and can be obtained either in person or through post. Clear Photostat copies of the Registration Forms may be made use of by candidates for applying for registration. Arrangements are also being made to enable students and institutes to down load the Performa from the DOEACC web site ( Application Forms for examinations are different from Registration Forms. Registration Number is also different from Roll Number of a candidate, for examination.
b) A student can register only at one level at a time.
Essentially a candidate can register at only one level at any point of time and appearing for an examination at any other level is not permitted.
c) Registration - pre-requisite for appearing in Examination.
Registration is a pre-requisite for appearing in DOEACC O/A/B/C level examinations. Candidates should apply for registration in the prescribed form, which is attached at Annexure-I.
d) (i) The DOEACC Society at New Delhi is the authority for registration for all levels.
(ii) Registration is open throughout the year. However, cut-off dates have been prescribed for receipt of completed registration forms. The current schedule of cut-off dates is: -
Cut-off Dates
January Exams
July Exams
O Level
Preceding 30th June
Preceding 31st December
A/B/C Levels
Preceding 31st July
Preceding 31st January
(iii) Candidates are not eligible to appear in the relevant examination if their Registration Forms are received after the stipulated cut-off dates, except for certain specific cases as may be notified by DOEACC from time to time.
2. Registration, by itself, does not entitle a candidate to appear for an examination at the level concerned, unless all conditions, stipulated in the examination application form, and in any other notification, relevant to the examination are fulfilled by the candidate.
3. How to apply for Registration?
a) While applying for registration, the Registration Form duly filled in should be sent to the DOEACC Society with a photograph affixed thereon attested by a Gazetted Officer/Panchayat/Bank Officer/Centre Manager of the institute where the candidate has undergone the accredited course. An attested photocopy of the certificate of highest educational qualification attained by the candidate should be attached. The registration fee for the level should also be sent through Demand Draft in favour of DOEACC payable at Delhi.
b) Presently, the Registration Fee is charged at the following rates:
O Level
A Level
B Level
C Level
* Denotes mandatory charges for despatch of Students Guide, List of Institutes (one time) and Newsletters for one year from the date of Registration.
c) Other instructions to applications given in the Registration Forms should be strictly adhered to while sending the Registration Form.
4. a) Submission of Registration Forms through Authorized Institutes.
Students from institutes running accredited courses can submit their examination application forms for the next higher level in the next immediate examination on successful completion of all modules/papers of the level by using the old registration number and paying the difference of registration fee and charges for publication. The difference of registration fee and charges for publications would be in addition to the requisite amount of examination fee and postal charges and will have to be remitted through a separate demand draft. In such an event, the registration would be automatically upgraded. This facility would be available only to the students of the institutes running accredited courses.
b) Cut-off dates extended by one month for new students.
Registration Forms of newly admitted students of the institutes conducting accredited courses will be accepted by the DOEACC Society up to one month beyond the normal cut-off dates, provided such forms are duly sponsored by institutes conducting accredited courses and accompanied by a soft file containing the data pertaining to the Registration Forms in the data structure provided by the DOEACC Society.
5.a) Validity of Registration.
Once registered at a particular level, the registration is valid for ten consecutive examinations for O/A levels and twelve consecutive examinations for B/C levels, reckoned from the specific examination as indicated in the Registration Allocation Letter issued to the candidates.
b) It is advised that candidates may register themselves as early as possible without waiting for the cut-off date.
c) Applications for registration for next level.
A candidate registered at one level, intending to register at another level, without clearing all modules/papers of the former level, will have to remit the full registration fee and charges for publications for the latter level along with a registration form duly filled in.
d) (i) Eligibility for obtaining a certificate when one applies for next level registration and fail some modules of the previous level.
In case a candidate qualifies in certain modules/papers at a level and appears for the remaining modules/papers at that level and pending the announcement of results, registers at higher level, in anticipation of passing the lower level, the candidate will forfeit the chances of appearing in the modules/papers in which the candidate is found unsuccessful at the lower level after declaration of results. He/she will thus, not be eligible to get the certificate for that level.
(ii) Exemption for the common module/papers qualified at a particular level would not be extended at the higher level in case the candidate get himself/herself registered at another level without qualifying all modules/papers at the level at which he/she was initially registered.
6. Change of address.
a) Candidates should invariably inform the DOEACC Society in case there is a change of address, as communications to the candidate will be to their addressed given in the Registration Forms. While requesting for change in address, complete new address may be written in block capitals.
b) Personal addressed may be given instead of c/o institutions.
'B' level course of DOEACC Scheme has been recognized by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt of India, as professionally equivalent to MCA Degree course. Students can acquire this qualification by undergoing this course and passing the examination conducted by the DOEACC Society. Working professionals can also appear in this examination directly, provided they possess the requisite education qualification as indicated below.
i) For students appearing through an institute Level 'A' / Government recognized PPDCA/Government recognized PGDCA/Government recognized polytechnic engineering diploma/Graduate, followed in each case by an accredited 'B' level course (First two semesters are exempted for those who have passed 'A' level in full. Candidates having Government recognized PPDCA/Government recognized PGDCA will also be eligible for exemption of some subjects depending on the courses they had undergone, on a case by case basis).
ii) For students-at-large (Direct Applicants) Level 'A'/Government recognized PPDCA/Government recognized PGDCA, followed in each case by two years relevant experience. * (First two semesters are exempted for those who have passed 'A' level in full. Candidates having Government recognized PPDCA/Government recognized PGDCA will also be eligible for exemption of some subjects depending on the courses they had undergone, on a case by case basis).Graduate/Government recognized polytechnic engineering diploma, followed in each case by three years relevant experience.
*Relevant experience connotes job experience in IT including teaching in a recognized institution as faculty member, excludes coaching.
The papers for 'B' level are indicated below(The first ten papers of the 'B' level and the project will be the same as for 'A' level with the codes being changed for 'B' level.):
Subject Code
IT Tools and Applications
Business Systems
Programming and Problem Solving through 'C' Language
Computer Organisation
Structured System Analysis & Design
Data Structure through 'C' Language
Introduction to Database Management Systems
Basics of OS, Unix and Shell Programming
Data Communication and Computer Networks
Elective I (one of the following three subjects to be chosen)
B2.51 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming and C++
B2.52 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming through Java
B2.53 - Computer Graphics
Management Fundamentals and Information Systems
Basic Mathematics
Software Engineering & CASE Tools
Operating Systems
Networking & Mobile Communications
Computer Based Statistical & Numerical Techniques
Discrete Structure
Software Testing and Quality Management
Computer Graphics & Multimedia Systems
Internet Technologies and Tools
Professional and Business Communications
Object Oriented Database Management System
Network Management & Information Security
Elective - II **
Elective - III **
* * List of the Subjects from which the above electives can be chosen are (select any two form the below):
Embedded Systems
AI and Applications
Principle of Modelling & Simulation
Parallel Computing
Software Project Management
Applied Bio-Informatics
Digital Image Processing
Accounting & Financial Management
Applied Operations Research
The syllabus for 'B' level can be obtained by post or in person from the DOEACC Society at a cost of Rs.200/-
At 'B' level there are two projects. The first one will be as for 'A' level and to be completed as for 'A' level. The second project should approximately amount to an effort of 500 man-hours, 300 marks are assigned. The project should be chosen by the candidate and approved by the DOEACC Society. This should be submitted after completion of all papers with a fee of Rs. 3000/- and a certificate. DOEACC Society will constitute a Board of two experts to conduct a viva-voce.
Government Recognition
The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India vide their notification No: F 2 / 6 /97-TS.IIIa(.) 54 dated 26th September 2000 has recognized the 'B' level computer examination being conducted by Department of Electronics Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) Society for the purpose of employment under the Central Government where MCA is the desired qualification.
Registration is a pre-requisite for candidates to appear in DOEACC O/A/B/C level examinations. Examinations are held all over India on the second Saturday of January and July each year.
Dates for Examinations
  • Dates for the various activities connected with examinations will be announced through Newspapers well in advance of the examinations, normally in the last week of February and August relevant to July and January examinations, respectively.
  • Candidates undergoing 'O' level accredited course may appear in first two modules of 'O' level examination after six months of the commencement of the accredited course and in the remaining two modules after the completion of one year of the commencement of the accredited course. This is subject to the condition that the subjects have been covered in the accredited course by the institute and so endorsed in the examination application forms as per format therein.
Eligibility Criteria
At O/A/B/C levels, candidates can appear in any paper, in any order, if the subject has been covered in the institution running the accredited course and so endorsed on the application form. Direct candidates can appear in examinations if they satisfy the eligibility criteria as applicable to them.
Examination Centres
  • Examinations are conducted at about 120 centres all over the country. The conduct of examinations at these centres is liable to change.
  • Examination Centres are classified as Primary Centres and Secondary centres.
  • Examinations will be conducted at all the Primary Centres. For the examination to be carried out at any of these Primary centres will depend upon the number of candidates and infrastructure available at these centres. It is possible that one or more of these Primary Centres may be cancelled, if there are not sufficient numbers of candidates or for any other administrative reasons.
  • Candidates who choose one of the Secondary centres as a first choice in their application forms for examinations are required to give a Primary centre as a second choice.
Applying for Examinations
Application forms for examinations are different from Registration Forms. Details of the availability of the Examination Application Forms will be announced in the leading newspapers as and when examinations are scheduled. The time schedule of examinations is as follows: -
Calendar of Events
A Sale of Examination Application Forms    
(i) Commencement Date
1st September
2nd March
(ii) Closing Date    
  From the office of the DOEACC through Post / Courier
20th October
20th April
  From Counseling Centres
25th October
24th April
  From DOEACC Society counter at New Delhi
31st October
30th April
B Closing date for receipt of filled forms at DOEACC Society
31st October
30th April
  With late fee
10th November
11th May
C Commencement of Exams
2nd Saturday in January
2nd Saturday in July
Application forms for examination are also available at DOEACC Counseling Centres apart from the office of the DOEACC Society at New Delhi on payment of a fee of Rs.25/- per application form. Instructions for filling up the examination application forms as given therein should be strictly followed. These have been revised with a view to help the students to ensure that the application forms are correctly filled-in and all details are given correctly at the first instance. A checklist has also been included both for students as well as institutes forwarding them to DOEACC.
Last Date for receipt of applications
The last date for receipt of applications in the office of the DOEACC Society at through Post Bag No. 10, Head Post Office, Lodhi Road, New Delhi are as under:

For January Exam

31st October
Without late fee
10th November
With late fee of Rs.100/- with each application, irrespective of number of modules applied for.

For July Exam

30th April
Without late fee
10th May
With late fee of Rs.100/- with each application, irrespective of number of modules applied for.
Examination fee
  • Examination fee for each module/paper of O/A/B/C level is Rs.300/- for each paper/module. Late fee is Rs.100/- per application irrespective of the number of modules applied for.
  • In addition an amount of Rs.30/- should be sent along with the examination fee towards postage charges for mailing the admit cards and the result sheet.
  • A list of the names of the Bank of India accepting examination is given in the examination application form itself. This list is liable to change. Candidates have the option either to deposit the examination fees in any of these branches or may send the examination fee only by a crossed demand draft in favour of DOEACC payable at New Delhi. The fee is also accepted in cash at DOEACC Cash Counter.
  • Refund of fee - fees, once paid, will not be refunded, under any circumstances, except when a candidate has sent an Examination Forms for appearing in a module, with the requisite fee, before the commencement of the results of the previous examination and subsequently he has passed in the module (s) applied for.
  • If the examination fee paid does not cover the module(s) applied for, examination forms would reject.
  • Exam fee for Re-appearing after qualifying is applicable from January 2003 exam and fee is Rs.600/- for one paper
  • SC/ST candidates are eligible for refund of examination fee after they clear all the modules/papers relating to an examination, namely O/A/B/C. Such candidates should apply along with the attested photocopies of: -
    i) Proof of belonging to SC/ST
    ii) Result sheet of DOEACC examination
Submission of Application Forms to DOEACC
  • Institutes authorized to conduct DOEACC courses may submit the filled in examination application forms in bulk. However, it shall be the responsibility of the institute to ensure that the same is received by DOEACC Society, well before the cut-off date, as mentioned in above. Under no circumstances any request with respect to the late submission will be entertained and application(s) received after the cut-off date would be summarily rejected.
  • Applications received after 10th May / 10th November will not be entertained under any circumstances for July / January examinations and correspondence shall not be entertained in this regard.
  • Applications received after 10th May / 10th November will not be entertained under any circumstances for July / January examinations and correspondence shall not be entertained in this regard.
Admit Cards
  • Candidates who are found eligible will be issued admit cards well before commencement of the examination.
  • Admit card is issued to a candidate who is admitted to the DOEACC Examination. A timetable containing details such as dates of examination, examination timing / session, sequence of papers, instructions to candidates is also sent along with the admit cards. Candidates in their own interest are advised to carefully verify these details.
  • Candidates who may not have received their admit / identity cards by 30th June / 31st December for January / July examinations, respectively, may check their Roll Numbers from the web site ( entering their registration number and those who find their registration number on the web site may report at the relevant examination centres along with the print out of the relevant page. They will be allowed to appear in the examination after verification of their identity for which necessary arrangements exists at each examination centre.
Result of Examinations

Results of all O, A, B, C Levels are published on the DOEACC website. Results are sent as grades to the candidates as also to institutes, conducting accredited courses, from where candidates have appeared for examinations. Gradation is as follows:

Below 50%
F (Failed)
75% - 84%
85% and above
Re-totalling of marks for any of the module/paper can be requested in the specefied proforma within one month from the date of the result sheet along with a fee of Rs. 200/- per module/paper.
On successful completion of the modules/papers and of the project, the candidates are awarded certificates / diplomas by the Society.
'B' level candidates on successful completion of first ten papers common to 'A' level and of the first project, are awarded Advanced Diploma as are being issued to 'A' level successful candidates.
Results of O,A,B&C Levels are also in the DOEACC Website.
Medium of Examination (applicable only for 'O' level)
Candidate can opt to write the answers (Descriptive Portion Only) in Hindi or English. The choice should be indicated therein. In case the choice is not given, the choice of English medium would be assumed. Question Papers however, would continue to be in English only.
How the application should reach the office of the DOEACC?
  • The application form with Demand Draft from any nationalized bank payable at New Delhi/Challan/Cash receipt should be sent to DOEACC Society, only in the special envelope attached to the form to the Controller (Examinations) of the DOEACC Society at New Delhi. Candidates are advised not to send their applications through private courier.
  • Institutes authorized to conduct DOEACC courses may submit the filled in Examination Application Forms in bulk. However, it shall be the responsibility of the institute to ensure that the same is received by DOEACC Society well before the cut-off date, as mentioned in para 15 above. Under no circumstances, any request with respect to late submission will be entertained and application(s) received after the cut-off date would be summarily rejected.
Guidelines for selecting the modules/ papers in the DOEACC Examinations
The guidelines are prepared to facilitate the students who have qualified paper in the pre-revised syllabus (revision II) and now required to opt for the remaining papers based on the 3rd revised syllabus.

DOEACC Society has revised the O/ A/ B/ C level syllabus. The examination based on the 3rd revised syllabus commenced with effect from July 2003 and January 2004 for O/ A level and B/ C level respectively. For smooth change over from 2nd revised (old) syllabus to 3rd revised (current) syllabus, the Society conducted two examinations based on both old and current course curricula simultaneously. So, from January 2005 onwards, the examination will be conducted as per 3rd revised (new) course syllabus only.

A student who has qualified some papers based on the 2nd revised syllabus will get exemption for equal number of papers in the 3rd revised syllabus. Further, the student will not be allowed to opt for the equivalent papers of the 3rd revised syllabus which he/ she has passed as per 2nd revised syllabus, as per parity table defined in the 3rd revised course curricula.

The procedure for selecting the remaining papers from 3rd revised syllabus is as follows:

  • Say 'X' be the total number of theory papers, required to be cleared, to qualify the relevant level as per third revised syllabus. For example, for B level X = 25, for C level X=18, and so on.
  • Take a print out of the parity table of the relevant level for

    or take a photocopy of the same from the third revised detailed syllabus.
  • Strike out all the papers already passed as per pre-revised syllabus (revision II) in the parity table, in both Revision II (old) and Revision III (new) syllabus. Say the total number of papers stroked out be 'Y'.
  • Find out the number of remaining theory papers required to qualify the course/ level, as per 3rd revised syllabus, say 'Z' where 'Z'='X'-'Y'.
  • Select Z number of papers from the remaining non-stroked papers in the parity table.
  • A candidate should not exceed the number of electives allowed as per 3rd revised syllabus, (including the electives already cleared as per pre-revised syllabus and the compulsory papers as per pre-revised syllabus (revision II) now equivalent as elective subjects in the 3rd revised syllabus).
  • Practical examinations III and IV shall apply to you if you end up choosing more than one paper from the group of B3.3-R3 to B3.5-R3 for Practical III and B4.3-R3 to B4.5-R3 for Practical IV. For more details, please refer to Practical Exam Details .
  • For more details the candidate is advised to refer to the DOEACC newsletter

    contact us by phone or email us at
DOEACC 'O', 'A', 'B', 'C' Level Examination
Schedule for sale and submission of Examination Application Forms fro 38 th DOEACC 'O' , 'A', 'B', 'C' Level Theory Examination to be held in July 2009 and 13 th Practical Examinations to be held in August 2009
Commencement Date:
DOEACC Society H Q
2nd March, 2009
Councelling Centres/ Selling Centres
DOEACC Centers
2 nd March, 2009
Closing Dates request of Examination form
By Post at DOEACC H Q
20 th April, 2009
Counselling /Selling Centres/DOEACC Centres
24 th April, 2009
DOEACC Society H Q By Hand
30 th April, 2009
30 th April, 2009
With Late Fee
11 th May, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions about Examination Form

1. How to get the Examination application form, and what is the last date for submitting it?

One can get the examination application form from any of the DOEACC counselling centres against a demand draft of Rs. 25/- in favour of "DOEACC Society", payable at New Delhi between 1st March to 15th April for July examination, and 1st September to 15th October for January examination, or by remitting a DD for Rs. 25/- in favour of DOEACC, payable at New Delhi, to the office of the DOEACC Society.      

2. What is the last date of getting Exam Form by POST ?     

The last date for getting examination form by Post is :-
 15th October for January Exam
 15th April for July Exam

3. If I am not a registered candidate, can I get Exam Form ?     

No, Registration is prerequisite for examination.


Frequently Asked Question for Exemption of paper

1. Will I get credit of papers if I could not clear all the papers of "A" level but want to upgrade to "B" level?

Sorry, you will not get credit of any paper cleared in "A" level unless you are clearing all the papers of "A" level.

2. Can I clear the balance papers of "A" level in "B" level if I want to shift to "B"  level without clearing all papers of "A' level?     

No. Since you will not get any credits for the papers cleared in "A" level.

3. I have done PGDCA/PPDCA. Will I get any exemption of paper in any level?

You may get exemption of some paper from the first two semester of "B" level. Detailed procedure and exemption from is given in the syllabus of "B" level. There is no exemption of paper in "A" level on the basis of PGDCA/PPDCA.     

4. What are the paper Exemption in 'A' Level after passing 'O' Level ?

The paper Exemption in 'A' Level are A1-R3, A2-R3, A3-R3 if you clear M1-R3, M2-R3 & M4.1-R3 in 'O' Level.

5. How can I apply for Exemption for paper if I have qualified PGDCA/PPDCA?

You can apply for Exemption on the basis of PGDCA/PPDCA by filling up the requisite Exemption form given in the syllabus along with following Documents duly attested:
     a) Photocopy of Syllabus of PGDCA/PPDCA.
     b) Photocopy of the Mark sheet of PGDCA/PPDCA.
     c) Demand draft of Rs.200/- per paper for total no. Of paper applied for exemption.


Frequently Asked Questions for Exam Fees      


1.  What is the Examination Fees per paper of O/A/B/C Level?

The exam fees per paper of O/A/B/C Level is: Rs 300/- & Rs.30/- as postal charges per form.
Branches of Bank of India accepting Examination Fees 

2.   Is there any late fee for submission of Exam form after end of date

For Jan Exam: Late fee Rs.100/- per form & Last date with late fee up to 10th Nov.
For July Exam: Late fee Rs. 100/-per form & Last date with late fee up to 10th May.


Frequently Asked Questions in General

1. Is there any study material available for DOEACC course?

No, only the QUAN BOOK for 'O' & 'A' examinations containing some of the papers is available, which is a question  bank. But our recommended study materials for each paper is given in our syllabus and our web site.

2. What are the standard text books and how can I get it?

List of standard text books are given in the syllabus.

3. Can the institute forward the examination forms in bulk to DOEACC Society?

Yes, institute can send the examination forms in bulk.


Frequently Asked Question for Re-totalling of marks

1. How to apply for the re-totalling of marks?

You can apply for re-totaling by sending an application on plain paper, stating the roll no, registration no and module/paper to be re-totaled, along with a demand draft of Rs. 200/- per module/paper, within one month
the from date of declaration of result.   

2. Is there any provision of re-checking of Answer script?

Sorry, there is no provision of re-checking of Answer script.

3. When can we get the result of re-totaling ?

Normally, the result of re-totaling is sent to the student within one month of application.

4. Can I apply for the same paper in the examination form, which I have applied for re-totaling?

Yes, you can apply for the same paper.

5. In case if I pass in re-totaling, what about the exam fee for that paper that I have applied?

Your fee for that module in which you are declare successful after re-totaling, will be refunded.



Thanks and Regards,
Arun Sabale | L2 tech
Zenith Infotech Ltd.

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